
Make your own simple, yet effective, air fresheners!
Baking soda neutralizes acid odors, and vinegar neutralizes alkaline odors. You don’t need much more than these two ingredients to solve most odor problems.
Health food stores sell air fresheners that are made of herbs.
The mineral zeolite works to reduce odors. The mineral is available in bags that can be placed in closets and other places where the air gets stale.

Natural "Moth Balls"
Mix together the following ingredients:
2 ounces dried rosemary
2 ounces dried mint
1 ounce dried thyme
1 ounce dried ginseng
8 ounces whole cloves
Cut the feet off of some old panthose, place a small handful of the potpourri into each, and tie a knot or a ribbon at the top to close. Hang in closets, pack in storage boxes, or place in drawers -- anywhere you need moth protection!
