email: katra_nightwind@hotmail.com
AIM: Katra Nightwind

Name: Katra din Reas Night Wind
Rank: Aes Sedai of the Blue (Accepted)
Allegiance: Dark Tower
Age: 20 (18)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Atha’an Miere
Place of Birth/Hometown: The Raker Dawn Star
Height: 5’ 6”
Weight: 125 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Very Dark Brown, almost Black
Scars: tossed over the side of my own ship for being a Darkfriend. Several assorted physical & emotional scars stemming from that.
Birthplace: The Raker Dawn Star
Favorite Color: purple
Favorite Weapons: daggers
Standard Clothing: I have three gold hoops in each ear, and two in the upper lobe of my left. I also have a nosering in my left nostril. No chain or medallions, though. My left hand is tattooed with my clan symbols: crescent moons, feathers, and stylized waves. Plus the recent addition of a serpent biting its own tail. I usually wear standard Atha'an Miere garb: silk blouses, brocaded trousers and a sash. More likely than not I'll be barefooted.
Is your char involved with anyone: depends on who you ask
How many languages do you speak, which ones: standard tongue
Any qualms about killing: none
How many children in your family, birth order, names: Older sister Nakuya din Reas New Moon, me, younger brother Nurak din Reas.
Do you reside anywhere other than the Towers: unfortunately not

My first bio:
If it pleases you, I am called Katra din Reas Night Wind. I was an apprentice Windfinder, recently promoted to Windfinder for the Darter Lightning Gale before I was betrayed.

I was the middle child of my family. My younger brother was more skilled in the blades than I was, no matter how hard I trained. My elder sister was stronger in the Power than I was, which is something I may never overcome, even if I ever do break my Wilder block. Why the Light saw fit to curse me so, I will never understand.

It is unusual for one of the Atha'an Miere to have a Wilder's block, since Windfinders thoroughly search for apprentices. The fact that I was missed fuels my anger. But I trained myself somehow, and managed to survive. Janya din Hayden South Wind, my Windfinder mistress, told me I was lucky to survive, but that I had crippled myself by learning on my own. She was a cruel mistress, but I learned all I could from her. Slitting her throat and burying her in the sands was one of my greatest pleasures.

Yes, I am a Shadowrunner. The Light insulted me and abandoned me, so why should I serve it? The Shadow promises much, everything I deserve, so it is my Master now.

I was betrayed a few months after I was promoted, and while I was officially stripped of my names and rank when I was tossed overboard I keep them. They have no power over me, and they can take nothing from me, except the Salt. And they will pay for that insult.

My people think me disgraced and dead, but they were fools not to shield me when they heaved the ballast stones overboard. I sliced the ropes binding me to them with weaves of Fire, something my Oakum eating Windfinder mistress could never do, and swam for the shore. It took days, but I am much stronger than they realized.

I seek apprenticeship with the Dark Amyrlin, who I know lived among my people for a time, and managed to keep her allegiance a secret. With her help, I will avenge myself on those daughters of the sands, and take my rightful place in the world. The place the Light denied me.

I am 20, averaged height, 5'6", dark skinned, deep brown eyes, long straight black hair which I usually wear in a topknot. I have three gold hoops in each ear, and two in the upper lobe of my left. I also have a nosering in my left nostril. No chain or medallions, though. I didn't have time to earn them before I was tossed over the side. My left hand is tattooed with my clan symbols: crescent moons, feathers, and stylized waves. I also have a great serpent tattoo, a gift from my Accepted tests.

I usually wear standard Atha'an Miere garb: silk blouses, brocaded trousers and a sash. More likely than not I'll be barefooted.

I am skilled in unarmed combat and with daggers, both wielded and thrown.

I can channel, but I am a wilder, and my block is anger. This is not common knowledge, though. (My block is now broken)

Points: 30 in traits; 21 in One Power; 6 in Talents; 28 in skills; 22 Free Points; 92 Free Points Accepted Upgrade; 11 Free Points from weaknesses (125 total) (17 unused)

Traits: (7 Free points used)
Physical Strength: 3
Stamina: 3
Agility: 6 (7 Free)
Speed: 4
Intuition: 3
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 4
Social: 4

One Power: (63 Free points used)
OP Strength: 5
OP Dexterity: 5 (28 Free)
Air: 5
Water: 5 (35 Free)
Fire: 2
Earth: 1
Spirit: 3

Power Talents: (15 Free points used)
Cloud Dancing (Weaving the Winds): 4 (5 Free)
Compulsion: 1 (10 Free)

Linking (free)
Multiple Weaves: 5 (free)
Shielding: 1 (free)

Skills: (20 Free points used)
Alcohol Tolerance: 3
Bargaining: 6
Dancing: 4
Etiquette: 4 (Atha’an Miere customs)
Intimidation: 3

Melee Weapons: 5 (Daggers)

Missile Weapons: 4 (Throwing Knives) (8 Free)

Sailing: 3

Seduction: 3 (6 Free)

Storytelling: 3 (Windfinders & Sailmistresses entertain each other by bathing together and telling tall tales) (6 Free)

Pattern Gifts: (3 free points used)

Noble: 3 (Windfinders are the equivalent of minor nobles among the Shorebound)

Non-Power abilities, Strengths & Weaknesses: (total: -11 = 11 Free Points added)

Ambidextrous: ability to use both hands equally (3 point Strength)

Bad Reputation: known Darkfriend. (among the Sea Folk Only) (1 point weakness)

Daredevil: (3 point Strength)

Driving Goal: need to learn & become strong, so I can return to the Salt and take my rightful place as Mistress of the Ships. (5 point weakness)

Fine Balance: from working the riggings of ships (2 point Strength) (+1 skill value when using a skill that requires great balance)

Past traumatic and/or scarring experience: tossed over the side by her own shipmates and left for dead. (2 point weakness)

Vengeful: wants revenge on the Wavemistresses for what I feel is their betrayal of me. Will attempt to kill a Sailmistresses or Wavemestresses, given the opportunity (3 point Weakness)

Wilder: anger (8 point weakness)

ter'angreal: palm-sized glass sphere with a black raker cresting a wave embedded inside. The raker always points north. The sphere glows, when touched.

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