

NAME: Fianna (no known last name), goes by Finn. Also frequently called You, Boy or Thief!
Age: 16

Description: 5'2, thin and wiry. (Has that half-starved look.) Dark brown eyes, short-cropped brown hair with lighter streaks, especially in the summer. Quick on her feet - and with her hands. Dresses, acts and talks like a boy (normally wears breeches, shirt and a leather vest, swaggers and swears a lot) and has done so for years. The only thing likely to give her away is if someone can see her ability to channel saidar. A small gray cat follows her wherever she goes.

Brief bio: Fianna never knew her father, and lost her mother at an early age. Growing up on the streets of Caemlyn didn’t leave her with many choices; she survived by begging and – as she grew older – stealing. She learned the hard way to trust nobody but herself, and as a result she is fiercely independent and suspicious of everyone. She carries a number of hidden daggers, and knows how to use them. Trying to appear less vulnerable, she took to disguising herself as a boy. Over the years this disguise has become so much a part of her that she thinks of herself more as Finn than Fianna.

Making the mistake of trying to steal from an Aes Sedai, she was caught and given the choice of being handed over to the local authorities, or coming to the Twin Towers for training. Although she refuses to believe she can channel – she’s just lucky, that’s all! – she has made no attempt to escape. After all, she has been promised free food and a real bed to sleep in, and she may pick up something useful before they realize their mistake and throw her out. She can always run later...

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