AIM - Arlena Sedai

Name: Arlena Yumei
Rank: Aes Sedai
Allegiance: Tower of Light
Age: 145
Gender: Female
Nationality: Sheinar
Place of Birth: Village West of Fal Dara
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Blue, changes with moods
Scars: Physical: 1, about 1 year old on her right, outside thigh. 3 1/2 inches long, straight, slightly sloped lower in front than back. Emotional: Lost her brother-like warder at the hands of the Seanchan.
Favorite Food: No real preferences
Favorite Color: Dark Blue or Green
Standard Garb: Leather or cotton, snug fitting pants (black, brown, or dark blue), tucked into Black, lace-up boots with charms on the laces. Shirt (dark blue, green or cream) lace-up front, tucked into pants. Silver chain link belt is her only jewelry, except when it's safe to wear her serpent ring. Hair to just below her waist and pulled back away from face.
Family: none living, and does not keep up with descendants.


Points: 30 in Traits; 21 in One Power; 8 in Talents; 28 in Skills; 22 Free points; 160 Free points (Aes Sedai) upgrade; 1 Free points from weakness. (183 Free points total ) (1 not used)

Traits: 0 free points used
Physical Strength: 3
Stamina: 6
Agility: 5
Speed: 3
Intuition: 5
Intelligence: 4
Charisma: 3
Social: 1

One Power: 88 free points used
OP Strength: 5 (11 Free points used*)
OP Dexterity: 6
Air: 5 (35 Free points used)
Water: 5 (35 Free points used)
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
Spirit: 4 (7 Free points used)
* = rounded up

Talents: 60 free points used
Dreaming: Level 3

Compulsion: Level 2 (10 Free points used)
Delving1: Level 3 (15 Free points used)
Healing: Level 4 (20 Free points used)
Traveling (15 Free points used)

Linking- Free
Multiple Weaves= to 5
Skimming- Free
Shielding- Free

Skills: 34 Free points used
Long Bow: Level 8
Weapon Style: Ranged (free)
Long Sword: Level 3
Weapon Style: One Handed Weapon Style (free)

Combat Skills:
Mounted Archery
Rapid Shot

Non-Combat Skills:
Animal Husbandry: Dogs: Level 4 (8 Free points used)
Horses: Level 9
Dancing: Level 4 (8 Free points used)
Riding: Level 9 (18 Free points used)

Pattern Gifts: 0 Free points used
Dreamwalking- Free with Dreaming > 3

Non-Power abilities, Strengths & Weaknesses: Total = -1
Ambidextrous- 3 point strength
Iron Will - 4 point strength, resist up to 2 compulsion (GM approved)
Pets: 8 point weakness total, 2 dogs and 2 horses

Goodies: allowed 2
1) Angrael, arrowhead amulet.
2) Power made Long Bow and Arrows, gift from Danette.

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