After Tarmon Gai'don, Tarabon was still a puppet nation of Seanchan. With that backing, the nation grew powerful and well structured. The entire nation was united in a way that most other nations cannot boast. Every corner of the nation was brought back under the jurisdiction of the King and the Panarch. The Seanchan Regent positioned these two figures in the area during the Return. After the hailene officially never halted, a new selection process was determined. Candidates for the crowns of these nations had to be confirmed loyalists who could stand up to the Crystal Throne's scrutiny. If they had the approval, directly, of the Seanchan highest authority they would be given the rule of Tarabon. Once in power in Tarabon, they had the same status as the Blood. They were the Governors of that territory and even other Seanchan were to recognize their rule while there. Only the Crystal Throne, the Royal family, and the Deathwatch had any power to gainsay the Tarabon rulers. All other Seanchan were to regard the rulers as if they were High Blood. That way the local populace would have local, and ever present, figureheads to keep them in line. That ensured a more loyal Tarabon. The present day Panarch and King are Erune Namara and Idyn Cadaen respectively.

And so it was that Tarabon was no longer considered a land of Oath Breakers in Seanchan…but instead a loyal Protectorate. In return for that loyalty the Taraboners received a token force of Seanchan exotic animals to augment their military. Not only that, but shipyar'ds were created to build a large navy for the use of the Tarabon military. It became a common sight to see the great ribbed ships flying the red striped banner with the golden tree of Tarabon. Also as a great advantage to the rulers of Tarabon was the gift of the damane from the Crystal Throne. With instruction on how the leashed channelers were to be used, the Taraboner army became a highly powerful presence on the continent. Tarabon commoners did not, however, accept the tradition of leashing anybody who can channel fully. Most, if they somehow found out that they could channel before the sul'dam did, fled to the nations where they could instead be free Aes Sedai. Consequently there are fewer Leashed Ones in Tarabon than there could be.

In present times Tarabon has made considerable land gains from their previous holdings. They have moved south into the rugged and inhospitable land of the Shadow Coast. There they set up a very extensive series of forts designed more to watch for possible invasion than anything else. Towers on many of the highest points in the folded land grant incredible visibility over the surrounding territory. And also there was established a hidden naval base near the base of Windbiter's Finger. To the north Tarabon has taken advantage over the years of a much weaker Arad Domon. They have taken, and hold, most of Almoth Plain and Toman Head, though Seanchan claimed it as soon as Tarabon captured it. Falme has become a large port and is under Seanchan direct protection, as with the rest of Toman head and Almoth Plain. The Seanchan do not advance much beyond that area, but rather allow the Taraboner army to wage the campaigns and gain the lands. If some mighty enemy comes against the Tarabon army, the Seanchan lend aid. But it is generally felt that Tarabon can eventually defeat the smaller and worse equipped Arad Domon. And so it is that every few years, Tarabon moves on their northerly neighbor on a very slow campaign towards Bandar Eban.

The governmental system is basically the same in Tarabon. The King is responsible for spending tax money, leading the army, and presiding over the High Court. The Panarch collects taxes, and maintains civil peace within the realm through her extensive police and judicial systems. The Assembly of Lords is virtually powerless. Granted they select potential candidates to send to Seanchan for Empyreal review for the Panarch and the King…but Seanchan is going to select whomever they want no matter who the Assembly sends. Again, the Assembly is just kept around so that the common folk can still feel like they are very nearly the equals of the mother country of Seanchan. It should be noted at this point that Seanchan morals and ideals have permeated the society. Only a few issues cause comments of discord among the populace of Tarabon: concerning the correctness of leashing a woman because she can channel, and the much more restrictive trade that takes place with foreign nations.

The military has been made similar to that of Seanchan. Mostly due to the fact that the Seanchan exotics were added to the ranks. In the present time General Arden Rascen leads the army and Admiral Jes Kadara leads the navy. Below them are the sul'dam and then each respective battle commander as placed by the General or Admiral. The present day army is expected to be a healthy 40 to 50 thousand strong. The navy command is perhaps a hundred large Seanchan style ships and a few smaller craft more native to Tarabon. There are perhaps 50 damane of varying strengths harvested from the lands of Tarabon and outlying towns taken in raids. Also, the Seanchan Crystal Throne has often granted a gift to their loyal Vassal Nation of 20 or so more damane; though the gift has been much fewer in recent years…perhaps as few as a dozen. Tarabon's army is in large part made up of pike, and lighter sword divisions. But they do have a decent medium cavalry presence. Considerably more than their main adversary in Arad Domon. And they have relatively few Seanchan exotics. Perhaps 2 or 3 raken, a to'raken or 2, about 100 grolm are employed in the army. The greatest addition to the Tarabon nation from the exotics from Seanchan comes from the corlm. These birdlike predators help watch the borders of the nation and also aid the patrols hunt down raiders and Domani sorties. There are hundreds of corlm in Tarabon to help keep the peace.

The Illuminator's Guild has vacated the nation of Tarabon.

Tanchico is the world's largest city now. Before Tarmon Gai'don it was perhaps larger than Caemlyn, but with the inflow of trade and the military from Seanchan the population has grown considerably. It has become a major port of trade as well. Seanchan relaxed its hold on traders wanting to travel into the area after long appeals from the Tarabon merchants. Now trade is strict, and smuggling harshly dealt with, but possible for most.

The main industry in Tarabon has become the production of textiles and, with the annexation of the Shadow Coast, precious metals and gems has become a major industry. The mines found in the south only complimented the supply of ore coming out of the Mountains of Mist.

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